Dec 29, 2021
I think my podcast with singer / songwriter Jen Hajj is the perfect way to close off the very strange year that was 2021.
Jen lives in a beautiful small town in the San Jacinto mountains in California, called Idyllwild, and you can hear it's influence in her music.
In true Win Happy fashion Jen has taken a while to follow her passion with a path that included choir singing, a jazz band, Zookeeping, looking after birds of prey and a life changing songwriters retreat in Ireland.
Jen says there are lots of paths to happiness - I think she is right...
Happy New Year!
This show has been brought to you by Fuzion Communications, a Marketing, PR, Graphic Design and Digital Marketing Agency in Ireland with offices in Dublin and Cork.
The show is produced by Greg Canty
Email Greg with feedback or suggested guests: